There, then, are the three main causes of trouble in the church at corinth: carnality, intellectualism, and an unbalanced spirituality. What does it teach us? I suggest to you that there are three main lessons which immediately present themselves to us. The first, to which I have already adverted, is the danger of assuming that because a church, or an institution, or a movement, was once right, that it will continue to be right. The same body, the same institution, the same cause, the same movement with the same organization, can move from its position and end up being almost the exact opposite of what it was at the beginning...................................................................................................... For instance, preachers have their importance; preachers are useful; but if you make them the centre, so that every time you meet you talk about the preacher instead of the Lord Jesus Christ, your preachers are doing harm; indeed you are making them do harm....................Preachers are all right but they are not meant to be the centre.
Taken from "HOW TO SAFEGUARD THE FUTURE" By Dr Martyn Lloyd Jone
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